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Paternity Rights
A male employee will qualify for paternity leave on the birth of their baby if they have or expect to have responsibility for the baby's upbringing or are the biological father of the baby and/or the mother's husband or partner which includes same-sex partners and civil partners. The employee must have at least 26 weeks' continuous employment ending with the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth and be working for their employer from the qualifying week up to the date of birth. The employee can then take either 1 or 2 weeks’ paternity leave (where a week is 7 days) but cannot take individual days off and if the employee takes 2 weeks off, these 2 weeks must be taken off consecutively.
Get in touch with our paternity solicitors in London
For many years Lovell Chohan Solicitors have served the London boroughs of Slough, Windsor, Eton, Hounslow, Twickenham, Richmond & Chiswick. Visit your local solicitors at our offices in Hounslow, Slough & Twickenham.