- Hounslow 020 8814 7599
- Slough 01753 303 631
- Twickenham 020 8814 9989
Client Survey
As a valued client, we are very much interested in hearing what you think and how you feel about the Solicitors and services Lovell Chohan is currently or previously provided for you.
In order to help us understand what areas are working well and what areas need improvement. We should be grateful if you would complete the client survey form below. This will assist us on acting to provide you and future clients with an ever evolving service improvement both now and the future.
Your ratings are anonymous and will not be disclosed to your solicitor unless you give us authority to do so, otherwise your scores will simply be averaged with other ratings received.
The questionnaire should only take you a few minutes to complete. Please try to answer all of the questions by carefully selecting the response that best reflects your opinion and placing a cross in the box, or answering the brief questions posed.
We believe that as a result of your participation we may continue to provide you and other clients with the best possible service.