- Hounslow 020 8814 7599
- Slough 01753 303 631
- Twickenham 020 8814 9989
Enforcement of Orders
You or you firm have at some point probably experienced the frustration associated with the non-compliance of a costs order, or simply the fact that your clients wishes to protract and drag matters out in the hope that you will forgo your costs.
Where a client has not paid their costs and you have obtained a Judgment order our costs department deals with all aspects of enforcement to protect or collect your outstanding costs.
Whether it is a third party debt order or charging order, our costs solicitor can deal with all enforcement applications, correspondence, procedures, protocols, attendances at court, and liaise with appropriate organisations to put the enforcement in place.
Rather than dissipating your time with all the associated humdrum and burden relating to costs orders and enforcement, or putting the matter aside, simply consult our costs department for a cost effective, progressive and viable solution to enforcing your costs order.