- Hounslow 020 8814 7599
- Slough 01753 303 631
- Twickenham 020 8814 9989
We Speak Your Language
To compete successfully in today's market place we have to be diverse in our approach in dealing with a multicultural society. Here at Lovell Chohan we are able to offer the following languages spoken in house:
- English
- Chinese
- French
- Hindi
- Mandarin
- Punjabi
- Swahili
- Spanish
- Urdu
- Welsh
For any language not listed we have access to a wide range of interpreters at short notice.
For the hard of hearing our office is equipped with an induction T-Loop system
Sisi Tunaongea Kiswahili
Tenemos un abogado de habla hispana
Nous avons un avocat-conseil de langue française